Endowment Growth

Endowment Growth



Values in this table are presented in billions of US dollars.
Fixed Income$ 0.138$ 0.137$ 0.209$ 0.219$ 0.177$ 0.161$ 0.176$ 0.205$ 0.135$ 0.143
Global Equity$ 0.534$ 0.291$ 0.336$ 0.387$ 0.450$ 0.472$ 0.503$ 0.639$ 0.572$ 0.720
Hedge Funds$ 0.003$ 0.100$ 0.144$ 0.147$ 0.193$ 0.196$ 0.179$ 0.231$ 0.266$ 0.269
Private Equity$ 0.251$ 0.215$ 0.175$ 0.169$ 0.140$ 0.100$ 0.089$ 0.130$ 0.163$ 0.192
Real Estate$ 0.634$ 0.673$ 0.692$ 0.753$ 0.745$ 0.754$ 0.796$ 1.126$ 1.110$ 1.125
Other$ 0.017$ 0.200$ 0.014$ 0.054$ 0.094$ 0.096$ 0.060$ 0.080$ 0.094$ 0.073
Total$ 1.577$ 1.616$ 1.570$ 1.729$ 1.799$ 1.779$ 1.803$ 2.411$ 2.340$ 2.522




Ending Market Value of Endowment Chart Definitions
  • Fixed Income: Fixed income refers to investments that provide regular, predictable returns, typically in the form of interest payments. Common examples include bonds and treasury securities. Investors receive fixed periodic payments and return of principal at maturity, making it a relatively stable investment compared to equities (i.e., stocks).
  • Global Equity: Global equity refers to investments in stocks from companies around the world, providing exposure to international markets. It encompasses shares from both developed and emerging economies, aiming for growth through capital appreciation and dividends. This diversification can help manage risk and capture opportunities across different regions.
  • Hedge Funds: Hedge funds are pooled investment vehicles that employ diverse strategies to achieve high returns that beat the market, often using leverage, short selling, and derivatives. The fair value has been estimated using the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the funds which are calculated by the investment manager.
  • Private Equity: These investments generally include limited partnerships that are not publicly traded and cannot be redeemed because the investments include restrictions that do not allow redemption through maturity. The fair values of these investments have been estimated using the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the funds, which are calculated by the investment manager.
  • Real Estate: Real estate investment properties are valued based on results from professional independent appraisals. Different assumptions or changes in future market conditions could affect the estimated fair value and such changes could be material to the consolidated financial statements.
  • Other: Primarily cash and cash equivalents and pending trades
Change in Endowment Market Value Chart Definitions
  • Gifts and Transfers: Gifts and pledge payments, additions of university funds for quasi endowments, reinvestment of unused payout, and purchases or sales of Endowment real estate investment properties
  • Investment Return, Net: Interest, dividends, realized gains/losses, and unrealized gains/losses, net of expenses directly related to the management of the Endowment
  • Endowment Distribution: Amount that is withdrawn from market value and made available for spending